Brexit is not  working
Vote for Victor Silkin as a protest againt silence of main political parties
4th July 2024 is your chance to bring change

South West Hertfordshire

Twitter: VictorSRejoinEU
phone: 07747248276

Election Communication: promoted by Richard Hewison of 86-90 Paul Street, EC2A 4NE, on behalf of Victor Silkin and the Rejoin EU Party, Published by

About Us
The Rejoin EU is a single-objective party consisting of EU-pationate individuals of many political preferences and parties.

Do you support Britain rejoining the EU but feel that no political party represents your view?

Vote for Rejoin EU Party and send a message to Westminster that you want Britain back in the EU.

This site is about election campaign in South West Hertfordshire.
Much wider efforts are made in various parts of the UK:
go to

Election Statement of Chairman:

Join 4th July campaign

If you can help with anything about campaign please email to and tell briefly what you can help with: leaflets distribution, organisation of the meetings/hustings, web/social media support, etc. SWH@THEREJOINEUPARTY.COM

Vote for Victor on 4th of July 2024 in South West Hertfordshire

Rejoin supporters around the country are frustrated that nobody in "big" UK politics mentions brexit. Our party is to unite these people and to bring hope into their hearts. Please vote tactically focussing on EU-centred candidates - check here who is the most pro-EU in your area: Tactical voting search engine:

Become a member of Rejoin EU Party

The party requires enthusiastic and energetic people. It needs as well substantial donations to deploy broad communication programme both for the elections of 4th of July and even more importantly following the elections. Please join now and help financially if your means allow it. Thank you!